OU15 ZVY 2019-02-08 15:52:02

Video link please.
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OU15 ZVY 2019-02-08 15:46:43

hes a fat troll waste of space - chuck him in the sea with a big weight around his neck
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OU15 ZVY 2019-02-06 22:05:56

You Need to report him to the Police and his Bosses Before he kills someone.
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OU51 FMP 2019-02-06 17:37:04

This guy is known for being big headed
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OU51 FMP 2019-01-23 08:22:28

This vehicles turbo lag is unreal as if if doesn't even work along with the oil trail it leaves behind
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OU51 FMP 2019-01-22 10:29:07

dont drive behind this car you will get covered in oil
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OU51 FMP 2019-01-22 10:17:59

car looks like a cow and goes like one
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OU60 WKD 2018-12-15 17:32:23

Looking at whats under the car I can see a disabled symbol. So it is actually a parking space. Not bad parking, just bad planning. They should have painted a no parking hashing on that space instead
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OU67 RFJ 2018-11-15 09:45:21

Horrendous driver. No respect to the other road users whatsoever.
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OU67 RFJ 2018-11-15 09:36:50

I saw this guy on the M40 this morning. Doing 50 in the right lane. Absolutely selfish behaviour. Move over!!!
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