The pathetic little chav (driving a massive car to make up for his small penis) swerved into me as I passed him on a dual-carriageway near West Kingsdown forcing me to slam on the brakes. I flashed my lights to make him aware I was there.
He responded by repeatedly slamming on his brakes in front of me.
I had my five-year-old son in the car at the time, not that the inbred driving the Range Rover (OU67TXE) would care. I don't know how he passed his test but clearly shouldn't be allowed to operate a vehicle.
About a mile down the road he pulled over without indication, so I pulled out around him. He then swerved across in front of me nearly causing another accident.
I must admit that I was fuming, but when I opened my door to confront him he lost his bottle and sped off, then did a U-turn. Don't start something you can't finish you little pussy.
What an absolutely pathetic wimp the driver of OU67TXE is! Quite happy to cause trouble but hasn't got the bottle to go face-to-face.
They done shopping and left