OU54 VLE 2016-11-10 19:50:02

Couldn't you have braked earlier?
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OU14 YLV 2016-08-28 11:16:34

They had no indication either
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OU55 GWV 2016-05-16 15:34:04

He fucking done you there son made you look a right cunt .
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OU02 UGV 2016-05-13 22:27:51

Ashton + accord type r= Asian
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OU02 UGV 2016-05-13 12:56:11

But hurt cause the type r done you
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OU02 UGV 2016-05-13 12:52:49

Guy in the fiesta is also a prick dawdling I the outside lane then trying to cut off the accord just because someone else is driving g poorly you do the hae to join in .
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OU02 UGV 2016-05-13 12:50:18

Guys being a prick I the Internet won't cure your impotency
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OU05 RSO 2016-04-12 22:02:32

Almost took my head off when he flew red lights near Sundorne :( .... Who is he
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OU13 JYK 2016-03-31 07:37:34

As many concur cycling was originally meant to be a relaxed affair, now we have these middle aged men clad in lycra speeding against day to day normal car users. Causing angst with their mid life crisis 'Wiggins' wannabes with small brains and helmet cameras.
Kind Regards,
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OU13 JYK 2016-03-28 13:01:44

Im sorry but the cyclists is almost in the middle of the lane and when the honda driver overtakes there is a clearly marked cycle lane which the cyclist is not using.

If i was driving i would of done the same thing!
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