OW03 LFR 2017-07-11 19:19:29

Good driver, good on her for standing her ground. BMW prick
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OW03 SNZ 2017-06-23 23:31:38

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OW66 AFU 2017-06-05 16:56:04

Cut us up. Nearly caused crash. Burgundy range rover
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OW16 XZC 2017-04-17 16:39:47

Hired by local Asians in blackburn and being driven round like idiots wouldn't like to own this car as there won't be any engine left and can't believe that they are all insured
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OW51 BYY 2017-04-10 23:04:02

This belonged to a Land Rover Discovery Td5 Commercial in Bonatti Grey, UK Commercial Van Spec with Climate Control, later exported to the Republic of Ireland as 02-G-11745.

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OW16 VOU 2017-04-09 11:18:17

Tailgating and Undertaking
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OW14 JKX 2017-03-08 17:13:16

Absolute twat of a driver. Cutting people up to avoid having to wait in traffic. Guess what mate...we all have to do it! You're the kind of person who causes accidents. He was driving in the Preston area and according to the .gov.uk MOT check there's no history of an MOT. Hope you lose your licence.
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OW09 UWL 2017-03-15 07:30:38

Weaving without indicating
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OW03 LGD 2017-03-08 13:05:44

I came off the roundabout (which has a filter lane so you come off in the right lane), I was accelerating to highway speed while indicating my intention to turn right while the driver of OW03 LGD gets close enough I can't see his headlights. I come off the throttle and slow down, especially as it's wet. He then decides to dart around me, cutting in rather close.
I assume his antics on the round-a-bout was him wanting to intimidate me by getting behind me.
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OW53 FUJ 2017-03-12 11:53:12

Driver is a chav bellend. Tailgates everything in his vicinity, and drives like an absolute cretin. Should be banned.
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