A very dangerous driver. Overtook me on the chevrons with oncoming traffic. I within the speed limit but he was impatient. After a couple of miles he then stopped to turn right, I had to wait behind him. Total arsehole.
Driving like an utter **** coming from Corby to Peterborough, trying to overtake 3 vehicles on a crossroad, on the hatchet markings, when there was a heavy stream of incoming traffic- managed to overtake 2/3 vehicles before they had to slam their brakes on and let him in as he was cm's from hitting an oncoming car. Prior to that, he was tailgating, attempting to overtake and then having to slam his breaks on to avoid going into the back of us. ****** needs to redo his test.
idiot decides to go slow on the third lane of a40 which is an overtake lane and is also leaning towards the middle lane so i could not tell if he was going to move to the left or not but after quite some time he's still not moving over so i decide to overtake because there is so much space in front of him and as i move to the left to overtake him, he decides to pick up speed and block me from overtaking and once i do overtake him he decides to get his knickers in a twist and get wild just because he didn't like the fact that i was against his slow driving in the wrong lane. Maybe he should focus more on learning how to drive on the road so that anything like this does not happen in the future
How come they had a phone? These cats will have an in car Bluetooth call system.