This tw@t drives like a right bluddy bellend!! Seen him nipping about in the Falmouth area multiple times at stupid speeds and almost knocked my son over once! No respect for the road or road users!!! 2.12.21
Good job he had a camera. This is totally unprofessional behaviour on a member of the public performing a lawful activity. Whether the driver likes it or not is irrelevant - they represent the company. If you lose your job then the person to blame is the one in the mirror, in my opinion. Also read up on the law regarding public photography.
I think the PCSO also needs a word. Victim-blaming and being pedantic is unprofessioanl, don't you think? The level of noise was natural; the person filming was under duress on account of the instigator's actions. Seems to me, PCSO, that you don't like being told full stop. You are not an authority unto yourself and I really hope you understand and respect this in future.
This tw@t drives like a right bluddy bellend!! Seen him nipping about in the Falmouth area multiple times at stupid speeds and almost knocked my son over once! No respect for the road or road users!!! 2.12.21