OY57 WCC 2015-07-24 13:21:14

Hit and run driver causing damage to personal vehicle
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OY63 DKX 2015-06-06 00:16:25

another pic - if you're the prick of a driver reading this - SLOW DOWN BEFORE YOU KILL SOMEONE. Absolute arsebandit.
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OY05 EVC 2015-04-29 14:10:41

We have a new number one I think, what a twat!
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OY05 EVC 2015-04-26 11:32:33

Hope he is taken off the road as is going to kill someone
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OY05 EVC 2015-04-26 11:17:32

This idiot should is a danger to all road users !
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OY05 EVC 2015-04-26 08:59:52

What an utter di k!
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OY05 EVC 2015-04-25 08:51:33

What a total idiot. If this was our driver he would be fired..
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OY05 EVC 2015-04-25 00:16:07

should be BANNED could have caused a major RTA
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OY57 HDJ 2015-03-22 03:07:36

Pants car. Pants driving.
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OYA 888 2020-10-24 23:23:17

hit and run
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