PF18 SGO 2021-12-23 09:48:41

Maybe if you got up for work a bit sooner you wouldn't have to race your Honda Jazz around like an idiot.
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PF14 XJK 2021-12-19 17:01:40

We're not mind readers. If you can't be arsed to indicate to tell us you're turning off the main road on to Common Garden St then how are we supposed to know?
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PF68 RUC 2021-11-22 23:37:40

massive cock and balls this lad
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PF55 DKX 2021-11-13 09:54:57

5 Door Hatchback
Date of first registration: January 2006

This driver drives along South Avenue, Morecambe and decides to turn right into little Asda (signposted No Entry except for service vehicles), drives through with no intention of shopping at Asda and uses the mini roundabout to turn right towards York Bridge.

Does this driver have a phobia or dislike of turning right at Lancaster Road by disobeying road signs and taking a short cut through a business?

The lowest of the low with inferiority problems.
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PF08 LDK 2021-11-06 23:52:01

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PF15 UTW 2021-10-31 09:37:17

Its okay we'll all wait for you. But your car did sound like a bus.
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PF68 GZA 2021-11-06 15:47:49

We were going down a 40 miles an hour road and this person pulled out onto our lane in front which caused us to brake because we could have hit them
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PF66 YAO 2021-10-24 18:41:49

Drives down my side of the road. Only pulls back to their side once I stop dead & they start running out of road.
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PF12 NVP 2021-10-15 15:18:51

Body type: 3 Door Hatchback
Colour: White
Date of first registration: August 2012

Female tart of a speeder and tailgater in the Lytham area. She tailgates and is a speeder. Along South Park she did over 40 mph which is a 20 zone desperate to get ahead.
She has no regard for other road users, the law or others safety. She needs locking up.
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PF15 GVR 2021-10-14 17:50:25

Brake-checking moron
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