Shouldn't be on the road. No use of indicators and nothing to suggest was checking mirrors. Driving far too slow - 20mph on a 30 (slowing to 5-10 on speed bumps) and then crept up to 35mph when the road left residential areas and turns into National Speed Limit. Kept on leaving a car length of empty space between his car and the line at traffic lights. And kept on breaking unecessarily. Eventually pulled level with him for a turn and glanced over at him when he moved off - looking straight ahead, no checking mirror or blindspot
It you don't have the confidence to drive correctly, don't. Get a bus pass and sell the car.
Another Audi driver who thinks he owns the road. This time pushing in the queuing traffic at the capital centre traffic lights in Preston. He drives down the left hand slip lane to enter the retail park but at the last minute pushes into the right hand lane to go straight on...