This absolute twat, side swiped my car, did a 4 point turn into oncoming traffic and speed off. Informed the police, he got a slap on the wrist. His reasons why he did stop, didnt know he had to after an incident, had a docs appointment and it was my fault.... bellend
Don't blame other people for your shoddy parking! Might not wanna be driving if you're 9 months preggers (Guessing you don't know who daddy is! 'Bellend'!
Does driving like a dick come natural, or do you practice hard at it? Try looking at road markings before pulling up alongside a bus on the wrong side of the road and a wide solid white line next time.
Clipped my mirror while driving over zigzags, then drove off to Tesco where he claimed i was in the wrong lane ( lane does not begin till after the turning & zigzags) also was utterly oblivious he hit my vehicle, and unable to even use his electric windows without looking VERY closely at the switches.