An idiot desperate to find a place to have an accident.
Foggy morning, I was driving at an appropriate speed, below the limit, so I could stop in the distance that I could see was clear. This driver zoomed up behind me, initially no headlights on, constantly driving too close, then attempts to overtake on double white lines and only saw the oncoming van emerge from the fog when it was nearly too late and abandoned the attempt.crazy driving, never mind in the conditions.
Reckless driving not looking for cycles . She cut me nearly made me fall off my bike and blame me but clearly she was in the wrong . Watch out for reckless driver.
The driver of this vehicle does not seem to know that indicators exist. While overtaking them, they speed up and cut across into our lane without indicating. (dash cam date set wrong)
These idiots come and were waiting for them to pull out of the space so we can go forward and then they crash into us then they say you cant park and your not a badge holder they say weve been standing there for 5 minutes we werent even there for 10 seconds and they say that we cant park here all we were doing was to wait for them and they dont wanna get in trouble and make up lies just to het off of the hook
Absolutely criminally irresponsible! M62 congested traffic. Roadworks. 50mph legal limit. This dick is tailgating in the right hand lane then diving between lanes into gaps with barely centimetres to spare causing people to slam on. Across all lanes, speeding to overtake one or two cars then back into right hand lane to start all over again. Wants kicking up and down the M62 before he kills someone. Typical Audi cock.
This driver committed attempted murder with his vehicle on 23 October 2016. A motorcyclist came past us in a line of traffic and was alongside this van when the lights began to change. The motorcyclist did cut the van driver up a little but nothing that required the van to brake. However the driver took offence to this as he then proceeded to speed and catch the biker and tailgaited him until the motorcyclist noticed and raised arms in question. The van driver then forced the van in an undertaking manoeuvre on the left side of the bike and then started moving right, forcing the rider to take hands and feet off bike and place on van to stop it from hitting or forcing I to incoming traffic, then sped up to try and shake the van. further up the road the biker had taken a filter lane to turn right and the van driver took aim at him, luckily the rider was aware of the van and managed to move into the other side of the road to avoid being hit full on by the van. This van driver needs to be stood in the middle of the road and taken aim at by cars to fully understand the gravity of his actions, made worse by the fact as you can see from the photo taken after this incident that the van has Harley Davison stickers on both doors and therefore should be aware of the vulnerability of a motorcyclist and not use his van as a deadly weapon. Motorcyclist was initially in the wrong but the actions of the van driver were reprehensible and if he was successful in his aim of knocking the biker off would no doubt be looking at an attempted murder or murder charge.
drives sensible