couple of weeks ago i was about to cross a zebra crossing but instead of stopping this car accelerated as me and my 2 year old son were about to cross,i still have nightmares
A luton style van driving around Sutton area full of furniture.
Went to overtake a bus already indicating and pulling away from the bus stop, honks his horn, then gets in front and aggressively stops for no reason. Starts loving again very slowly and stopping in front of the bus intimidatingly.
When turning off, flipped off the bus.
Couldn’t see any company logos on the vehicle, but reckless driving and surely caught on the bus cameras.
Stupid bitch in a silver VW Polo driving past Lancs hospital towards city centre.
Can see her quite clearly holding mobile phone in right hand tap tap tapping away.
Get a phone mount you cheap twat & stop pissing about on the phone while driving anyway. I'm sure someone would love for you to be the reason their relative might not be going home tonight. Selfish cunt.
Lorry driver swerves into on coming traffic and nearly causes a fatal head on crash with an oncoming vehicle.
The Truck was identified on Reddit and is believed to be PF14LDD, and has already been reported to the police.
Happened today ( 5th December) on A15 between Sleaford and Lincoln.
Church Road Northolt.
Logbook says only issued 2 weeks ago.
You and your mate in his 20 year old Mazda weaving in and out of the two lanes undertaking also with him sitting 10 feet off your arse!
Doing 30+ when it's a 20mph zone due to accidents caused by bellends like you.
Obviously not a brain cell between you.
couple of weeks ago i was about to cross a zebra crossing but instead of stopping this car accelerated as me and my 2 year old son were about to cross,i still have nightmares