PN08 UXT 2016-05-06 05:32:36

That's what happens when you hog the middle lane then prick
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PN57 ULF 2016-04-06 16:14:30

Hit and run
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PN62 FMJ 2016-03-21 03:15:01

Clip 1: Stupid road design is to blame.. a main road with two sharp bends and a junction in the middle? Recipe for danger. And the guy did put his hand up to say sorry.
Clip 3: Absolute dip-shit of a driver: up an incline+pedestrian island+junction+approaching traffic.. I know, I'll try to get past. What an absolute idiot.
Clip 4: As above + definite speeding. Such disregard for human life should warrant an automatic ban, in my opinion.
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PN61 DZA 2016-03-14 16:48:59

Yeah I had one today, didn't have my rear camera on or manage to get the reg but it was an old Saab that was seriously close.
I just put it down to these people being weaklings and underachievers, they can get their own back on life by using their vehicle as a weapon to intimidate.
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PN15 LUA 2015-11-28 16:51:27

I've seen this person a few times speeding along the Melling Road by Aintree Racecourse. Both occasions they were well exceeding the speed limit and also cut another motorist up. Driving through a puddle puts them even further down in my estimation.
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PN11 KLO 2015-11-18 18:47:24

Driving along the A12 doing 50, and this clown pulls out in front of me and slams his brakes on, what makes it worse is there wasn't anything in front of him? Dangerous, keep your distance.....
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PN12 TGV 2015-11-08 05:17:35

Why is she going on about cycle helmets other than as an excuse? They aren't required by law. People like her are the reason I take primary when turning at junctions (including left). It doesn't prevent idiots from under/over-taking but it does minimise their chances and they often end up - through their OWN actions - in a right mess. I've now accepted that some people simply can't drive; that the best option is to get a camera, a horn and take primary where appropriate. Last but by no means least: never, ever stop unless you have to. Some people deserve to be in a mental institution with their driving and they are simply not worth speaking to especially when they are in charge of a killing machine. If she decides to do again you could just horn her and if she persists, point to the camera. Like I say, no point in speaking to people with closed minds. Just film them and plaster it all over the Internet within the interests of public safety.
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PN07 HHK 2015-09-18 20:59:06

Hi Anna, sorry to hear about your experience. It's also the reason why it's best to take primary position to stop people under-taking you. I used to have this happen a lot when I stayed to the right at junctions and roundabouts. Stay central.. it may not prevent someone trying to squeeze into the same lane, but it will minimise the risk. Please note: this is NOT to say you are in any way at fault here; it is a common misconception to say cyclists not riding primary are responsible for idiotic moves such as the one described. Same for cyclists not having the right to adopt said position. You have every right. They have no right whatsoever to risk your life in this manner. If they do not understand and/or respect your rights, two words: screw them. Get a camera and simply point to it, then if you feel threatened simply get off the road - they're not worth it. Riding central not only means you're more visible but it also limits their ability to act like a moron. Oh, and driver.. if you WERE on the phone in charge of that vehicle? Then I have NO sympathy for you in any shape or form. Too many idiots on our roads thinking they can do what they like. Take care, and enjoy your cycling.
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PN60 FAF 2015-09-16 22:02:52

this is from the rear cam, some middle age knob with a woman passenger
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