Hate fuckheads who stop at traffic lights and wait for the to turn red, just to hold you up..
Don't give a fuck ..
I'll go through on red just to fuck you off..
Obnoxious bastard in a blue 2015 BMW M4 racing down a narrow, 20mph road full of shops and houses with loads of parked cars in Manchester.
If you crash I hope you’re the only one who gets hurt, and enough to teach you a lesson not to be so blatantly reckless and ignorant towards human life. That may sound harsh but it’s the only way these people will learn.
Also the plate shows as “PO5 800M” which is illegal spacing so the police will no doubt pull you over at some point.
This guy thinks he owns the road slowly moving between lanes without indicating and then slowing down less than the speed limit, also pulled up next to him at the traffic lights only to see that he's texting and driving! Needs to be off the road
The driver of this car was driving like a lunatic tooting swerving tail gating and cutting people up in Knightsbridge on Monday 11th February 2019 including myself she shouldn't be allowed to drive she should be ashamed of herself especially being on the phone as well!!!
Encountered this HGV on my way to work this morning. Competent & considerate driver - they saw a learner struggling to get out onto a roundabout and moved up alongside them and made a large opening to give them plenty of time to get moving.
This allowed the long line of backed up traffic to get moving again.
Whacked his door open into my car whilst I was sat in it! Shouted at him but he ignored me. Fucking old cunt!