PO19 ZNCEmployee of the year award2019-08-04 16:36:17
Well, I think someone should have a word with whoever’s employing this idiot. Apparently he thinks it’s a pretty good idea to be on his phone while weaving into other lanes and straddling 2 at the same time during busy times. Here... have a photo. 4th August, 4:30pm
Absolute Twat
Overtook on the a38 where there was no room and cut in front of a car making everyone else brake. All that effort just to then sit at a red light looking like a total bellend
I was doing 53 in a 60 and this lorry comes right up behind me and makes a big deal out of overtaking at the last second and then hanging around in the other lane before pulling back in again, then zooming off and tailgating the car in front - well over 50 when speed limit fell in next bit of road. It must be the size of a toothpick 🙄
BCA Automotive driver
Absolute noooob of a driver. Went through red light and nearly took us out.