RO08 SVN 2016-08-02 01:16:12

HE cut me off too may times to count and ran me off the road. tip to insurance companys. he is one of the worst bloody drivers i have ever seen GET HIM OFF THE ROAD IMIDEATLY
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RV63 VJD 2016-08-02 01:05:39

AN AMAZING Driver. You would think that someone with a lambo would drive recklessly but instead hes increadible and deserves his lambo
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RF15 WZY 2016-07-25 12:46:33

Unfortunately, this driver scraped by passenger side door when he changed lane without looking. When we both pulled out to inspect the damage I realised he was wearing one flip flop and nothing on the other foot. I mentioned this was very unsafe but he just kept repeating 'Are you OK?' over and over but slower and higher pitched every time. Got his number and escaped, turns out it was the number of the local Salvation Army!
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RV63 VJD 2016-08-01 04:06:39

Great driver , stopped and helped me on the side of the road!
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RE14 NWH 2016-07-23 22:38:33

Ok now listen up kiddies what ever the other person did to that woman is not good. Now you can clearly see she is flipping the other driver off. That is bad behaviour. Why don't you just ignore the other person woman and think in your head"that driver is an idiot but I'm just going to ignore" but instead you REACT!! That is wrong and not right. You my friend... Are a idiot and high on drugs driver. Don't take drugs kiddies
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RX57 LUA 2016-07-23 20:51:05

That Guys who dislike his videos means they are fucking RACIST because i Love DEJI hi is My friend i swear he ANSWERD me on snapchat and u DEJI IF u see THIS comment its that Guy on snap 😍Edmond_tahiri😍 I hope u now WHO i am❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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RE56 UHJ 2016-07-22 20:57:27

pic of dog
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RO10 MCK 2016-07-29 06:32:28

Absolute wank of a driver. Drives 70mph in zones marked as 30, kids all around. Should be kept off the roads. Would fail your test driving like such a prick.
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RV63 VJD 2016-07-27 21:40:20

Seriously 9-11 I didn't drive back then
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RX53 FKH 2016-07-27 12:32:56

He drive allmost over me with renault clio blue
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