RV60 GDO 2016-05-20 21:54:54

Hahah i only liad in to the guy cause im a cock but it swayed everyone to upvote the driver this site is the fucking pits.
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RE59 EWV 2016-05-13 19:21:20

Is it really necessary to throw rubbish out your window,You litter bug
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RV60 GDO 2016-05-04 19:09:42

Lets be honest the driver of the white car clearly knows they made a mistake by the fact they almost cause an accident .

The reason for uploading these videos is you enjoy it , nothing wrong with that but don't try to sugar coat it .

Maybe you'll be lucky one day and some one can upload a few seconds of your life long driving career for everyone to judge you on in an instant .
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RS60 KMS 2016-05-04 15:44:51

This man once got so irrate with a traffic situation that he attempted self suffocation by inserting his full fist into his mouth. There was saliva all over his steering wheel as he struggled for complete insertion. When he noticed me looking he called me (through his muffled fist) a "perfffwwakkkiiii baffffsssterrr", which was obviously his attempt at a racial 'slurr'.
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RE56 VTD 2016-05-09 18:10:27

he also had in the car a 4 to 5 year old boy, front passenger seat with no booster seat. despicable man.
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RE56 VTD 2016-05-09 14:09:04

Crash for cash, otherwise known as rasta for your cashta.
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RK15 TXM 2016-05-06 02:06:46

Absolute twit.. and all because they couldn't wait, like they should have done..
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RV60 GDO 2016-05-06 02:03:56

Just ignore the trolls mate. Driver clearly made a huge error there.. could have been a cyclist or motorbike. Keep uploading and all the best.
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R430 GHW 2016-05-05 20:02:38

completly insane but brilliant. what a machine. 😄
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RV60 GDO 2016-05-04 21:56:05

I saw Paul merson by shutting college once with proper fit girl half his age ( he was like 40 so it was all legal ) .

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