RV16 NWA 2016-04-11 11:33:05

What is this, a jealousy post?
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R21 KLH 2016-04-09 19:52:55

Usually double parks overnight most nights in doctors car park. Causes issues during busy mornings as other drivers are forced to park elsewhere. Local council have been notified.
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R21 KLH 2016-04-06 13:12:59

dumped the car across two disabled parking spots while she runs into a busy tesco express. No consideration for those who need to park there.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 20:00:13

whoever says they pay Road tax is a stupid cretin. It's vehicle excuse duty not Road duty. It's a tax on the car because it's way heavier than a bike and causes far more wear to the road surface. There's no such tax as Road tax you thick stupid gobby toss pots.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 19:52:41

Aaaahh...but Shamus...this twat on the bike was quite clearly NOT turning right, he was holding up the traffic.
I guess that you are one of these arsehole cyclists yourself. For your information though, I have every right to moan about this,I pay my car insurance, & I pay my road tax for said vehicle, what do cyclists pay for using the road???.....nothing. So, until it is compulsory for cyclists to pay insurance & tax, stay off the fucking roads with your BICYCLES!! Arseholes.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 15:57:05

How is this shocking? You cyclists are a pain in the arse, you cycle in the middle of the road, hold everyone up, pay no insurance etc to even be on the road.
You were quite clearly holding the truck back,by being away from the nearside of the road.
I am with the lorry driver here, I would have overtaken you as well.
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RV13 UEW 2016-04-04 21:06:54

That's a serious accusation. I trust the police were called? At the moment all I see is a picture of a car.. if I saw someone doing this, I'd make a point of intervening and calling the police.
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R105 TGM 2016-04-01 02:16:24

Audi driver. Typical!
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 22:54:26

I pay road tax mate, now move the fuck over otherwise I'll just run you over.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 20:02:28

So why was it called a 'tax' disc then? Before it was done away with?
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