In supermarket car park parked less than a centimetre from my boot, so couldn’t open, I also suspect he went into and damaged bumper but I have old car so hard to tell, there were multiple other more suitable spaces, just selfish.
Selfish, self-absorbed cunt. I nearly got run over trying to cross at Stanmer Park Road because this fuckwit uses the entire pavement, right on the junction, as their personal parking spot. Fuck off and find a space like a decent human being you miserable mong, there’s literally one ten feet away!
oh you've done it now. I have a brilliant memory for numberplates of people that abuse cyclists in the area so when i see you on my motorbike i will be up at your window and horning the shit out of you. Dont you DARE touch that horn just because you're too poor too afford a motorbike. Jesus mate, its a 999cc SKODA. Not a lambo. Slow as shit.
Absolute knobhead