Got to be the most foul mouthed London minicab I’ve come across so far all waiting in queue and she comes in pushing in front of waiting cars got out to confront her as she was doing her makeup and believe me she needed a lot and the foul mouth abuse when she opened the window with her finishing by calling me a Fat C... she was pure class not !,,, and then played the poor victim when she came up to the pay window
Very vain driver. Seems more concerned with checking herself out in the mirror than what’s on the road in front of her. Caused a few near-accidents as she swerves towards the curb. Luckily never reached a fast enough speed to endanger herself.
Charming driver of this vehicle tried to run a cyclist off the road near Plaistow then stopped to call him a f#cking c*** and threaten to kill him. I’m sure everyone who knows him would be so very very proud of how brave he is behind the wheel of his BMW.
This complete and utter cunt is a liability on the roads.
He was seen driving up the back of several cars on the way into Windsor this morning.
There was not enough room should the car in front have to brake.
He then over took several cars and was going of speeds in excess of 70 mph in a 30 mph zone.
It looked like he was also smoking drugs.
Evil old cunt lets hope you don't kill anyone else with your bad driving.
Knowing the lowlife that you are, you would drive off and leave them for dead.
Got to be the most foul mouthed London minicab I’ve come across so far all waiting in queue and she comes in pushing in front of waiting cars got out to confront her as she was doing her makeup and believe me she needed a lot and the foul mouth abuse when she opened the window with her finishing by calling me a Fat C... she was pure class not !,,, and then played the poor victim when she came up to the pay window