This idiot was apparently trying to U-turn, didn't bother using the KEEP CLEAR area, the prat decided to drive through a line of stationary traffic and block my lane, total idiot.
What an absolute fucking idiot. Going 70mph in a 30mph zone nearly hitting my child. Don’t deserve to have a driving licence if your going to put peoples lives at risk!!!!
I was waiting to turn right at the filter lane at the Histon Road/Gilbert Road junction. I'm in the middle of the road and the lights have turned to red. I start slowly turning right and this car comes through the red light from the opposite direction. By the time he crosses the junction, it's been red for 1 or 2 seconds.
People that run red lights should be banned. This is a particularly busy junction with pedestrian and cycle crossing. That he didn't hit a bike or pedestrian is a miracle! Stop rushing to work!
A delicate balance of ignorance, arrogance and a slight touch of insecurity/pride issues. (Has to compensate for middle aged body by driving something in a style that makes him seem young and cool)
Driver was driving towards me in the middle of a country lane whilst I was cycling up a hill and bullied me out of the way.
Looks as if he was on his phone too!
Karma is a thing though - If he keeps the car longer than his finance plan lasts then he'll discover soon enough how unreliable his shiny Chelsea tractor really is
Didn't bother to give way as we were on their right coming across roundabout. Also doesn't appear to have any indicators as went left at 2 roundabouts and right at another without any signaling whatsoever