RV56 BXM 2016-11-19 20:09:44

Uses their phone while driving :(
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RV16 PUU 2016-11-11 16:40:52

Parked across not 1 but 2 disabled bays without a badge! What a bumhole!
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RV63 ZVB 2016-11-12 12:17:42

Great driver and very polite. He is probably the best driver I have ever seen. He always follows the speed limit and never does anything wrong. Well done driver. He should have to pay less for insurance and repairing his car
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RV15 XCE 2016-11-03 15:19:38

Not sure this driver in a Renault Twinco was focussed at all.

He overtook a cyclist at speed heading down Swing Swang Lane towards the Daneshill roundabout, Basingstoke, even though there was brake lights and stationary traffic ahead.

Fair play to the cyclist, he had moved into primary position to block the Renault but the idiot still overtook him and then slammed on the brakes. For what gain...? Tw@t.
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RV11 VFJ 2016-11-08 12:47:31

Awesome, she gave me a smile that made my day.
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RV09 OUM 2016-10-28 14:34:04

Already started turning right at junction when this idiot pushed through gap,pursued to get number plate,once over speed bumps he was gone.
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RV06 UME 2016-10-31 20:14:59

Absolute chav of a female driver. Aggressive to children and has no comprehension of the Highway Code. Avoid.
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RV57 FVR 2016-10-31 11:16:48

Immature child, driving dangerously. Hope when you write off your car you only hurt yourself.
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RV55 MGX 2016-10-13 20:04:55

Running red traffic light
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RV64 EEU 2016-10-10 16:17:58

White Volkswagen SUV cut across in front of my car at Eastrop roundabout in Basingstoke. Complete idiot not paying due care and attention - if I hadn't reacted in time and reduced my speed they would've clipped the front of my car. Didn't even need to be in my lane for the exit they were taking - a needlessly aggressive and reckless driver who will cause an accident with behaviour like that.
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  3. KT73 ZHX
  4. FN66 JYU
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