RV07 VMA 2016-04-19 22:16:13

RV07 VMA asked for proof that they'd forced me on to the curb. Accepted no responsibility and got quite angry with me. RV07 VMA, learn how to use a roundabout...

Video is only up because they refused to stop and talk, technically an offence. But as they are not your typical youth Corsa drivers I took a chance with just the video evidence.

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RV05 KGE 2016-04-18 18:47:36

I was on my bike, turning left at a T-intersection. As I was on the vertical part of the T and the car was on the horizontal, I should have given way, I admit. But, he was some distance from the intersection, there were no cars on the road at the time, and nor were there any cars parked on the side of the road. So I turned left and road about 1/2 a metre from the gutter, over the painted car parking spaces. There was two clear lanes for the car to drive in, no oncoming traffic for some distance. The next thing I know is the car is within a meter of me, also driving over the painted car parking spaces. I thought I had made a mistake and missed him indicating that he wanted to park, but there was no indicator on as he drove past. He passed me and then turned back on to the road properly as there were cars parked further along.

I realise his only intention was to threaten me, perhaps because I did not give way. Under the circumstances there was no issue of safety, only his appalling attitude to driving. No doubt he has a very small you-know-what.

I would report this incident to the police, but I have no witnesses, as the road was very quiet at the time, and nor do I have photographic evidence.
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RV14 VZT 2016-04-19 23:37:00

Very good driving.
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RV16 NWA 2016-04-11 04:54:54

Lamborghini huracan
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RV13 UEW 2016-04-04 14:56:37

Beware this driver is a pedo. He likes to stalk little girls by driving up slowly behind them. AVOID !!
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RV06 MLY 2016-03-30 22:20:50

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RV04 GYX 2016-03-25 15:17:59

They run into cyclists and try to accuse the cyclist of damaging their car when he touches it as he falls.
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RV65 VXJ 2016-03-22 21:29:47

This guy is going to cause major incident by road rage. Well done Interlink Express for employing this kind of people.
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RV08 KNH 2016-03-11 14:05:49

I wonder what is worst: your musical taste or the way you driver your car.
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RV13 XHH 2016-03-05 09:04:41

Complete twat
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