RV15 SOH 2015-11-13 20:21:43

This car has been stolen. Middlesex. 11th November 2015
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RV08 YSN 2015-11-11 18:25:43

Overly aggressive clown in a silver MPV tailgating, flashing his headlights in an intimidating manner (considering it was dusk maybe put some lights on like 90% of the other vehicles around).

Additionally consider learning the 2 second rule (extending by a second for the darkness setting in) and also the tyre and tarmac rule.

Oh and do not start swearing when the car in front has an OBVIOUS visible camera on - dumbarse
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RV07 CSZ 2015-10-30 23:28:04

Dangerous and obstructive parking
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RV02 KXC 2015-10-30 19:56:23

Drives in residential street like a lunatic and will kill someone one day.
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RV11 WEF 2015-10-24 11:52:06

Amazing driver... for polite and has very good driving etiquette.
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RV05 JJK 2015-10-06 20:29:53

Hit and run driver

im not even sure this person should be allowed to drive.
what goes around. comes back arround.
People can be so evil sometimes. you should always stop even if its just to check that the person is okay. oh a leave them your details. we are all struggling. NOT JUST YOU.
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RV14 NUK 2015-10-09 16:21:17

terrible driver, almost ran me off the road
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RV56 ERO 2015-09-30 08:39:10

HP Bracknell employee - need I say more? If points made prizes this guy would be rich... undertaking x 5, doing at least 50 in a 30, swerving between lanes. You'd think he was a racing driver, except without the professionalism, practice and skill ... so a bit of a pratt really?
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RV14 ZRA 2015-09-15 17:11:01

This driver decided it was a good idea to overtake a group of cyclist in a blind bent. You have put my wife and baby in danger, idiot! You are lucky she knows how to brake hard. http://rate-driver.co.uk/images/photos/20150915161101.
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RV06 XGG 2015-08-29 22:46:47

Motorbike that turned right at roundabout from left lane (marked straight on and left only) cutting up a car by veering across lanes. Car sounded horn and rider took offence (despite clearly being in the wrong) and then proceeded to undertake a series of dangerous manoeuvres including attempting to kick the car which nearly resulted in him falling off the bike! Showed a complete disregard for own safety and that of other road users. Obscene and aggressive language and gestures directed towards car accompanied by repeated attempts to cause car to collide with him. All apparently caught on camera by the car driver. I hope that he sends it to the Police as this biker was crazed. The biker was a middle aged half cast overweight "man" who is clearly an angry and aggressive individual without appropriate skills or tolerance/patience to be on the road without risking own and other lives. I was amazed that the car driver maintained his cool with this fool and his repeated attempts to escalate the situation. Riding like this the rider is probably going to get himself killed before the Police get him. Just hope that he doesn't take anybody else with him.
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  2. KT73 ZHX
  3. KP68 VDV
  4. FN66 JYU
  5. DK55 XAT
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  7. RF12 HKU
  8. B16 TAJ
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  10. BD54 ELC

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