RV60 GDO 2016-05-06 02:03:56

Just ignore the trolls mate. Driver clearly made a huge error there.. could have been a cyclist or motorbike. Keep uploading and all the best.
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RV60 GDO 2016-05-04 21:56:05

I saw Paul merson by shutting college once with proper fit girl half his age ( he was like 40 so it was all legal ) .

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RV60 LLD 2016-05-03 21:59:49

If I were her I'd be having a word with the police this kind of peeping tom behavior is squally just the start .
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RV60 LLD 2016-05-03 20:00:18

STOP moaning and get a life
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RV60 LLD 2016-05-03 18:57:11

if it's not a persistent problem I'd let it go. Not worth it.
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RV60 LLD 2016-05-03 18:20:35

Maybe it's part of the " give a petty twat a reason to moan " programme .

You know those curtain twitchers no one likes ? There's one in your house right now .
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RV07 VMA 2016-04-22 21:17:19

It's quite simple. It's not a game.
The council even draw lines for you to stay within, whether you're familiar with the area, road layout or not, lane discipline is paramount. If you cant read a sign, cant stay in your lane, don't know that there's someone in the lane you are lazily trying to enter into, frankly you should turn your keys in. The standard of driving in the UK is appalling, it's people like the Corsa driver that i am referring to. It's about time authorities started handing out serious penalties for the above.
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RV07 VMA 2016-04-20 16:39:49

The road sign is hardly poor is it ? . The reason it's there and huge is to stop people doing what the Corsa driver did .

Regardless of any misunderstanding it's still the Corsa drivers fault .

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RV07 VMA 2016-04-19 22:30:58

One of the first proper videos on here in days .

Awful piece of driving from the corsa if they don't understand what they did it wouldn't be a huge leap to assume that's how they drive on a constant basis .

Hope the damage isn't to bad to you car .
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RV05 KGE 2016-04-18 20:31:30

Seems well-written and honest. I get people doing similar things when I'm on my bike, e.g. deliberately driving in the cycle lane if I choose to exercise my legal right to ride primary. They're just petty, small-minded individuals who think they're big and clever but they aren't. Imagine what they're like with their wife/partner when she doesn't do what they like. Don't worry, though. If they are intent on being a sanctimonious tit their reg will no doubt surface again, hopefully when someone has a video camera at hand. Forget them and enjoy your ride.
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