JU18 JUL 2024-05-15 14:53:11

Would you write your band twice anywhere else?
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EA19 LYG 2024-05-14 09:46:24

Let's hope your electrical work is far far better than your driving ,utter wanker
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PO65 XBY 2024-05-12 20:41:08

Why the fuck do you have rear spotlights on?

Picture does it no justice, it was actually quite bright.
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J1 UKD 2024-05-14 20:38:46

Nice legal plate there. Not chavvy at all.
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NU69 UZB 2024-05-14 17:34:03

Proper knob racing round Luton like he's something special. He's special alright...
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FD14 HNY 2024-05-14 11:20:51

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JS55 NED 2024-05-12 15:18:00

Vile, ignorant prick who insists on parking on a junction preventing people being able to see out. He’s been approached and reported to the police, and simply states he doesn’t care. He looks like an absolute nonce too. Scumbag twat.
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LD71 AEM 2024-05-12 20:15:14

Wtf are happening to Amazon vans i feel bad
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PJ73 XGP 2024-05-05 22:08:43

Selfish pr1chk uses disable bay to collect delivery order when there were loads of other free spaces.
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P600 KLB 2024-05-12 16:52:27

Number 1 your car sounds like a broken tractor number 2 calm down on the accelerator mate number 3 look out your window when you're reversing and nobody can possibly get in the backseat it's a shit tip with dog slobber on the windows number 4 stop driving like you own the whole A12 at Langham turn off
Change lanes will you blocking people from getting on the A12 number 5 your car keeps going whining and hissing. Now unfortunately I don't have any photos because my wife won't let me
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