SN09 JCZ 2015-02-05 22:31:58

revs his engine. got a little kiddy exhaust that makes it go "vrum vrum" louder. also has a midget in his boot. I saw it with my own eyes.
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SN09 JCZ 2015-02-05 09:37:28

hi I like your car :)
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ST08 LWZ 2015-01-20 00:49:58

Very arrogant and was speeding
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SP51 BZR 2014-12-26 21:22:00

The driver was in the wrong.he didnt judge the speed of the cyclist correctly.
I bet he thought he wouldnt be as close as he was.
im a cyclist and a motorist(30 years).ive had this situation myself and the motorist didn't know how fast i was going.
we all make mistakes as cyclist and motorist so best just to be honest and appologise!
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SP51 BZR 2015-01-02 19:11:33

Dear Mr Cyclist, you are a massive cock

Shame you weren't mowed down

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SP51 BZR 2014-12-13 15:45:48

From what I saw he didn't make you change speed or direction and if he hadn't of parked up you wouldn't have caught him.
I personally think you're a muppet for going back and being the antagonist.

For every bad cyclist there's a bad motorist and for every bad motorist there's an arrogant cyclist who thinks they have equal right to the road.
Pay tax, pay tax on petrol, have insurance, an MOT, don't run red lights and maybe motorists will have some sympathy with what is YOUR choice to be a cyclist on something designed for cars, not designed for bikes.
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SP51 BZR 2014-11-27 12:22:27

Poor driving, that's for sure.

Don't take this the wrong way, but, be careful when trying to have a word to these people. There's plenty of YouTube videos of cyclists getting gubbed for trying to talk to bad drivers, who turn out to be psychos.

Happy cycling brother.
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SP51 BZR 2014-11-24 22:41:43

(Skip to 4:09 - should have edited this down, sorry.)
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KM09 PXU 2024-05-26 18:14:14

This prick in a van driving along A6 while holding his mobile phone to the ear. Get handsfree you cheap cunt.
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KY61 JPJ 2024-06-01 07:38:35

Nice manoeuvre from lane two straight across the queuing traffic taking the M25 slip road. Pushing in without any indication and then attempting to inflate your flat chest by giving it the billy big ones. Remember you drive a Corsa…
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