Seen on Local news overtaking on a blind bend and almost colliding with three oncoming cars, two of which were forced off the road. Dashcam footage shows a Blue Opel Vivaro Van. After this madness, the driver not only fails to stop, but continues the overtake on the next stretch. I've driven that road with my family in the car many times. If you were that driver, please hand your license in now for all our sakes.
I wouldn't be surprised if the woman in the Merc has posted this with the expectation that other people would agree she was in the right.... Well Mrs Merc (RK14 OER), you were in the wrong. You should had been the bigger person and backed up, but instead your small minded morals took over and you had to ruin everyone's journey... well done, round off applause, hats off to ya
The driver admitted their error and apologised? Seems commendable these days, considering the disregard some people have for other road users. Don't worry about it mate, life's too short (unless someone intentionally tries to run you over, in which case it's entirely different). I ride a bike myself and I also make mistakes.. you got to let it go mate as like with driving a car, if you let it get to you it just eats you up and that's good for nobody. Sometimes people make really stupid mistakes and it's better to be prepared to to let it linger? :) All the best mate.