SC53 CCV 2016-02-07 15:45:09

He farts in lifts
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SC05 KWW 2016-01-13 11:16:58

Nice no left turn violation. Was it a one way street?
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SCZ 7193 2020-10-14 08:37:12

Absolute moron, no traffic ahead and going 70mph, cut me off 1 metre in front my car in a bend
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SCX 555 2020-03-24 16:18:28

Very cool uncle and a really nice thing to do :)
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SCZ 3170 2018-10-01 17:21:11

Not as bad some of the parking!

Seen it 121 Coleraine Rd, Portrush BT56 8HN
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SCG 282T 2018-03-21 15:11:33

Green Vauxhall Cavalier Hatchback nearly rammed me off the road in Bournemouth.
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SCY 419G 2017-08-07 11:34:11

May want to consider his indicators... that's if they work!
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SCZ 6851 2016-07-23 20:26:00

3 star interference with driving test the clutch was a bit of a failure Andrew Graham but instructor is finally complete with tests and he was really good for the road
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SCZ 6851 2016-07-23 20:53:54

45 star reten
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SV66 WEW 2024-05-01 23:12:33


Total bellend prick, speeds up when being overtaken then break checks all because they're a big baby who doesn't like anyone getting ahead of their shite Skoda!

Driver, if you are reading this, you are a FUCKING DANGEROUS CUNT.

You also clearly have aspirations to be a dickhead in an expensive car but settled for a Skoda.

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