I was driving through a busy Lancaster and this red VW Golf with four youths in was tailgating me. It was uncomfortably close a lot of the time from Pointer Roundabout to Greyhound Bridge but this is the only criticism of the driving I can make.
The youth driver wasn’t aggressive or in a hurry trying to speed or changing lanes but kept behind me and was quite courteous by the stretch down the hill to The Three Mariners and the bus station giving way letting other vehicles out and able to move across, which surprised me.
Good courtesy and driving generally, probably not deliberate tailgating but driving a bit too close to the vehicle in front needs addressing. Keep a bit more space behind the vehicle in front and you will make a good driver.
Driving like a complete tool around knowsley industrial estate, bad advertising pulling out of Haywards transport at high speeds must be how they expected there trucks to drive
This person thinks it’s ok to park over unmarked graves, knock over plants and bushes all to just walk their dog in the graveyard. Then when the keeper of the graveyard tried to complain and asked them to park in the car park (and said they were still welcome) they replied by egging his windows!! How childish and ridiculous!! The fact they are so disrespectful in the first place is bad enough but to then egg someone’s house just for doing their job is horrible!!
If your going to overtake and drive like a wanker try not doing it whilst smoking cannabis
Sat behind you at a roundabout before you die another dangerous manoeuvre and you blew smoke out the driver's window
It stank mate , druggy twat
Reportedl to police , hopefully you're stopped for drug driving before you kill someone