Amazing driver, he can reverse off his drive without actually looking, OPEN YOUR EYES you dangerous prick, what if there was a pram behind or a mobility scooter, they wouldn't be here now would they.
Clueless cunt in her battered old shed who decides to randomly veer onto the opposite side of the road then blame the innocent oncoming driver after her stupidity almost caused an accident. Brainless.
Bus lane misuser seen on Calder Rd, Edinburgh undertaking a 400m queue at 16:50, Fri 23rd Dec (Bus lane in operation 4-6pm) See last pic as bus lane line is very clear.
Bunch of muppets in a Toyota Hilux doing laps of town & then driving up town centre with some of the lads leaning out of the window shouting at passers by all at about 10pm.
Face like a bulldog chewing a wasp. Proppa minger.