At one point there we see a cyclist. cycling on the pavement at speed past a child. Mate, as a cyclist myself I just want to say this - you are a CUNT. A fucking CUNT. If you are going to cyle on the pavement then you are in the grey area of the law and as such a) pedestrians have priority at all times, and b) you cycle slowly and respectfully. You did neither; you blasted past that kid as though they have eyes in the back of their head. Yeah, I'm pissed..I'm pissed off with selfish CUNTS like you who don't give a shit about other people. Fuck you - get fined or piss off onto the road, where you are supposed to be. Oh by the way did I say fuck you? Fuck you.
Seen him before. Using the car is full of kids all under school age and drinking and smoking. He likes his weed and smack.
You are lucky he didn't come out with his baseball bat. That's what he usually does.
Well known on his council estate. The whole family are rough and always on the rob.
I agree with with you in principle, but not practice.
Putting "dick-head" on a yellow sticker is a bad idea - you have to take the moral high ground from the start, even if your actions seem counter-intuitive.
Put a polite note on the cars. Stay ON the pavement because then you are a pedestrian and for whatever reason the police tend to treat pedestrian issues more seriously. Don't stay on the road. Stand behind your bike and if they come and take a kick of fist, or get in your face, simply stand back and warn them to stay back.
By this time they're already guilty of a Public Order Offense. If they continue then you should either leave or attack solely in self-defense. It's you or them at this point, and you should take no chances in defending yourself..remove then threat then calmly stand back. Do not be tempted to continue.
After you've stood back call the police (ref: assault on you, attempted theft of your bike or other personal items, if applicable). Whilst waiting for the police to arrive gather potential witnesses and any CCTV or dash-cam footage. Only make a citizen's arrest if absolutely necessary and before you do it, tell the accused what you're doing.
Important: At no time swear or name-call. Sometimes it can be taken into account but only if you are genuinely threatened and are panicking for your welfare. You have to stay the right side of the law with people like this because they WILL try and use your actions against you, it's how they run.
As for the kicker, if you did that to me I'd smash you in the face with my bike lock. It's that simple. You'd probably lose teeth and bone. And I don't go looking for trouble but after several incidents whereby people have tried to mug and attack me, I no longer take chances. You get one warning. If you give me no time I'm going to react accordingly. So you're probably very lucky that day.
Never look for trouble. Put your stickers on. If trouble looks for you, know how to deal with it. The council should also do their job here..the risk they are causing to cyclists is considerable.
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