SL60 JWWUgly bitch in Corsa SL60JWW2015-07-23 22:39:15
Whacked my Scooby.Was parked in Langside the Southside of Glasgow with tons of room all around. Reported for leaving the Scene. I'm certainly not a Grass bag. But witness who got her details. Claimed she was a total s**t driver and no respect. So ive ratted the monster to the Cops.Kak wee black Corsa the monster was driving.Nee naw Nee naw. Police coming and im going to pursue and screw you over you Smelly Bea atch.
Doing 50 in a 30, cutting in front of other cars with no notice. (Protip- Touching the indicator doesn't count if your maneuvering at the same time) Just an accident waiting to happen.
On a side personal note: The colour is not particularly pleasant either.
White van driver trying to overtake on single track lanes, tried to force me off the road, tailgated, nearly hit woman on a horse when I moved over for her, abusive - and now reported to police.
Peugeot full of immigrunts pulls out in front without giving way, brakes and pulls in without indication - not how we drive in Britain thanks.