Fight Night at the Manchester Arena- so obviously one can park on the pavement on a double yellow side. No worries for anyone who has to get past on the pavement. No worries for any emergency vehicle which may have to access the road which has multi-storey residential flats. #me-me-me-me-me 🙄
Never really understood how people like this get a driving license.
The traffic entered the 40 doing 40...
After the lanes merged she overtook still doing 70, so close my car automatically braked to avoid her, then she slammed on to avoid crashing into the back of the car in front, and spent the entire drive through Flint driving on the lane lines.
Its a coin flip whether this is a person or a shaved ape in a wig.
Maybe try keeping a decent distance behind the driver in front of you, wait for traffic to start moving before you start to move forward (edging closer to the car in front of you), try watching the cars in front so you can clearly see cars turning off of a road causing traffic to slow down, and finally trying to undertake and end up being in the wrong lane at Levenhall roundabout - that one must have been embarrassing!
The driver caused the accident purposely!