Rate Driver won't let you put in two digit plates in this format so added the extra one just to show up this entitled and frankly dangerous individual, blocking a fire exit because they just HAD to park right there.
Sue, you're a disgrace. And the fact you're about to change into a "man" is no fucking excuse. Sir.
I was driving at speeds above the 30 mph limit, and this idiot was inches from my rear bumper, so I slowed to the speed limit. She then did a dangerous overtake, constantly tailgated other vehicles, drove over lined traffic islands and the centre line, and then tried to turn right on a roundabout approach in a lane that doesn't exist, this idiot is an accident waiting to happen.
White Land Rover Range Rover EVOQUE PURE T 2013 Estate
I was driving along the country lanes between Treales and Preston, and had just passed The Hand & Dagger pub when I felt pains in my stomach. I decided to pull over safely and did so just past the far side of an entrance to Sawdust Supplies and this was safe.
I was only there a few minutes for the pain to go away before a female driver in this Range Rover turned into the driveway (I couldn’t have obstructed the driveway if she could drive her Range Rover in) and then was very abrupt towards me for pulling over, accusing me of being on private property and telling me as she has regular wagons turning here she wanted me out of the way.
It was only the rear left of my car by her property and all four tyres were on the public highway. There was no sign saying “Private Property” so she should show some respect towards others before she ends up getting a punch in the face.
She had no idea it was just a quick stop for medical reasons and if something big needed more space I would have moved.
I tried to tell her I would move in a few minutes but her ranting at me like a disciplinary hearing she wouldn’t let me get a word in edgeways and continued to boss me about on a public highway, so when she finished I said to her “Why don’t you fuckoff you bossy cunt”.
She certainly suffers from “The Asshole Effect” where privileged middle class thickos with perverted minds think they have a right to treat people “below them” like shit and tell them what to do.
From her registration details, it looks like she is a Susan - if so, then statistically she is likely to be nastier and less reliable than the average person. This is where the term “Lazy Susan” comes from.
Usual bad parking at gosford couldn't see a thing coming down the road to get out thumbs down, serious, ao much for the clamping again it an old one but does it still happen?
Hearse driver speeding along the A69 thinking they are Lewis Hamilton. If they carry on driving like that they will be in the back of it not the front.