This guy is a complete idiot behind the wheel. Driving at ridiculous speeds (100mph +) on the B966 on a daily basis. It’s only a matter of time before he causes a very serious accident and has been reported to the police.
Girlfriend had to slam on the breaks to avoid this idiot who decided to pull out on the A38 heading towards Exeter. Proceeded to overtake the lorry in front before throwing it back into the left hand lane on a bend, narrowly avoiding both the car in front and behind. Knob
Female motorcyclist with little regard for others. I see her regularly on my commute. Today to avoid a traffic jam rose in the footpath, revving loudly at a pedestrian to move out of her way.
Last week revving loudly at cars to make way for her.
Mr. Impatient here seems to have a thing for risky overtaking manoeuvres. First he passed myself and another car approaching a signposted hidden dip- not the worst move I've seen, but I wouldn't attempt it. He then proceeded to attempt to pass 2 vans on a corner with insufficient visibility, which became apparent when he had to panic-swerve back in front of the first van when oncoming traffic came into view. He then finally overtook the second van approaching another blind hill with junctions at either side. I hope he made it to the golf club alive...wait, do I?
Another moron tailgating when I was keeping a safe distance between the car in front. Gets close enough to see my rear-cam, so gives it the one-finger salute!