SY57 AKG 2018-03-26 13:32:48

Reversed his lorry with scaffolding on, into the rear nearside of my car whilst parked on a Morrisons forecourt. He must have noticed my car move. Witness said she did and he was too busy talking to somebody over the other side of the forecourt. Left a nice dent in my car.
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SY13 GYA 2018-03-27 19:27:44

Stolen van this reg
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SY55 ZFG 2018-03-19 10:10:07

Tailgating down the A9.
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SY17 WCO 2018-03-09 23:10:19

Idiot reversed into my car and dented. When I approached him he said "these things happen". Aye! Only with folk like you on the road.
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SY64 ZFH 2018-03-01 01:50:30

Reckless driving round the Preston area. Couldnt make it out but looked like it was a kid driving LOL?
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SY61 VOA 2018-02-09 17:56:40

turning right without indicating in congested traffic then speeding down coach Rd Astley.
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SY14 FCU 2018-01-30 00:25:27

Maniac almost ran into the side of my car! As i parked in the supermarket carpark he got out of his car calling me “A F#%*ing Stupid Cow, you should have been looking to your left” I pointed out that the only thing on my left was recycle bins! He didnt know his right from left! He then pointed at my merc asking why an ugly auld cow like me was driving that car! My response was he had a cheek and clearly used magic mirrors at home. He got really angry and threw rolled up receipts in my face! I told him to grow up and walked away, to which he responded “shame your not a man” I teturned amd asked him to repeat what he said and he fid, i responded asking would he have the balls to talk to s man the wsy he did me...Probably not! At that point I called the police as did he, he sat on the phone to 101 laughing and giving me the finger! I got my kids out the car to go into the shop away from him and as he drove off he opened his window and shouted “Stupid Cow” and gave my the finger IN FRONT OF MY KIDS!! Police did NOTHING!! Why? Because I got out my car and stood up for myself...Despite them watching CCTV! Police Scotland at their best! Dont want the paperwork!
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SY52 SZV 2018-01-23 19:18:53

The massive scratch down the side gives it away instantly! Worst driver 2018 award? Almost killed me whilst cutting me up on the roundabout and almost ran over a group of small children out side evesham high school! Avoid at all costs! Dick
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SY14 YTC 2018-01-27 09:50:14

This car didn’t stop at a zebra crossing in Wandsworth, London and nearly knocked me down. A car full of young men and the driver was driving with no care and attention. A very close call.
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SY03 EBZ 2018-01-13 17:27:37

Constantly tailgated, overtook dangerously, threatened with violence.. and never called me back. What a wanker!
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  1. NA06 AAV
  2. GL20 ONN
  3. LJ23 YCT
  4. KM09 PKU
  5. S671 UOA
  6. SG10 BZY
  7. GJ24 NNH
  8. KR08 VMD
  9. VFZ 8515
  10. FV04 FWJ

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