SY10 RXM 2017-12-07 17:10:03

She "Jenny" crashed in to back of my car causing damage , she was refusing my insurance claims , case in court now , this person do not understand basic rules of using the road
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SY06 YFG 2017-10-22 19:01:04

A very civilised driver, no wonder he drives Hondas!
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SY12 BUU 2017-10-09 23:38:53

driving down the A9 I had an encounter with this maniac. overtook him on the dual carriageway only to discover he was way over the speed limit. I was doing 70 plus and he was not far off that himself. when we got to the single carrigeway i slowed down to 60 and this fud came up behind me doing about 70, sat less than a foot of my bumper. i increased speed to move a way but he matched me. so I slowed back down but the fanny fried to run in to the back of me at least another 2 or 3 times. tried to over take me while i was going 60 as well. Limit on the A9 is 50 for Hgv. Didn't appreciate this tit playing with the lives of my 3 kids I had in the car. Police were informed, Hope they pulled him and had a word.
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SY54 NAE 2017-10-03 12:55:36

The guy driving this car is either mental, on drugs or a combination of the two. Sat in the traffic lights outside McDonald's Rushall blasting tunes from the 80's whilst screaming out his car window. Half of it wasn't English just plain ole screaming nonsense for attention. I had the *pleasure* of waiting behind this twat for 2 sets of lights. He then almost hit someone (who had right of way!), they hit the brakes, he revved his shit red mini so hard he frog hopped forward whilst blasting the horn repeatedly. Absolute bellend. Either needs taking off the road or admitting to a secure unit.
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SY06 YCG 2017-09-02 10:35:58

Ugly old man in yellow corsa almost rammed me out the way at petrol station.

Must be hard being a loser and having to drive that junk
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SY13 XVO 2017-08-24 16:48:32

Car looks mint, really good at driving
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SY04 XXV 2017-08-23 22:54:03

Absolute dick head, driving around like he owns the road doing God knows what speed! Cunt nearly pushed me off the road needs to be banned.
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SY54 UZH 2017-08-23 10:49:54

Brilliant driver
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SY08 LHD 2017-08-16 21:57:30

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SY57 GYS 2017-08-09 22:35:40

Learn to park you plum, taking up 2 spaces in an already limited car park. Well done mate, you should have been swallowed.
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