Utter Cunt. Silly little boy thinks he's Lewis Hamilton in a 118 DIESEL BMW hardly impressing😂😂you make me laugh. Driving at 60mph plus in a 30. Hopefully you'll do us all a favour and wrap yourself round a lamppost before you kill someone. Selfish little shitcunt
Seems to think it's a good idea to slam on the brakes at a roundabout when it's very clear and open for him to go, needs to spend more time concentrating on the road that talking to his passenger
Absolute inconsiderate parking, how can you possibly try to get past this car illegally parked, if a wheelchair user needed to get past they'd have to go into the main road.
Hazards on don't make it legal to park. inconsiderate cunt.
Complete bellend trys to cut in front of another driver. Starts giving the car abuse then gives some kind of disco dance of abuse to me and swerves at me!
Driver can't drive to save his life had 4 kids and a baby in his car on Welsh house farm road b32 birmingham. No insurance but plenty of tax payers money!
Mental driver doing crazy speed joining the a1