Decided to pull down past a stationary line of traffic on the A508 and then cut in where I’d left space for a Zebra crossing. Also blocked a junction. Another fucking tool in Northampton.
This guy is a twat. Weaving in and out of traffic on the M25 in torrential rain and causing several people to brake and almost colllide.
Typical Audi scum.
This woman that looked more like a man was driving around on her phone. She sped dangerously past some women with young children doing more than double the limit. This driver should be banned from the roads!
1999 Honda Civic This 1999 Honda Civic S on numberplate V438 DLR was first registered on Tuesday 16th of November 1999 near London NW. At an estimated 121,909 miles, this car has done a lower than average number of miles for it's age. This car had 9 previous owners before the current keeper acquired it.
1999 Honda Civic This 1999 Honda Civic ES on numberplate V452 FLK was first registered on Thursday 30th of September 1999 near London NW. At an estimated 79,181 miles, this car has done a lower than average number of miles for it's age. This car had 5 previous owners before the current keeper acquired it.
he comes to our bus stop nice lad