This idiot in a silver Merc decides to overtake at the last minute. Look how far over the oncoming van had to go to avoid a head on collision. All beware!
Look how this arse has parked at a petrol station. "I know, lets go round this car and just dump it like this, even though there's a huge space in front of him to manoeuvre". If your car is too big to park at a PETROL STATION, then maybe you shouldn't be driving.
And before anyone asks no he wasn't pulling away. He wasn't even in the car - as shown by the big arrow
Driver of this passat was witnessed middle lane hogging in a convoy of 3 vehicles for a good 25 miles.
On approach to stockport he almost caused a multi car pile up when he swerved from lane 3 to lane 2, cutting up some poor chap in a blue car (who had to swerve to avoid him) before slamming on in a seemingly unprovoked brake checking/road rage incident.
As I passed this driver he seemed to be enduring a stiff word or two from the passenger next to him.
Would suggest this driver gets a smaller car he's better able to control, or learn to make maneuvers without risking the safety of everybody around him.
Really great driver