To the beardy hipster in the black VW Polo, VA12 SUV. I understand that you one day aspire to be an Audi driver, but for the moment at least, and for the sake of everyone else on the road, how about you stop being such an impatient fucktard?
The worst lorry driver I have ever seen!!! He nearly caused 10 accidents this morning on the M6 and M54, cutting across two lanes, going at 75mph, going into the lane when there were sill 2 cars in the way. He had no regard for other people on the road and looked like he was on a suicide mission. He really needs his licence taking of him!!!!!!!
Shocking driver who will kill someone one day . Little boy racer who overtook us and several cars in front twice today twelve hours a part on a windy mountain road.
Parked over 2 spaces in a limited space car park. Complete disregard for the many people trying to get a space, then complained when my bag brushed against their car (because they'd parked over my space). Completely inconsiderate owner along with his grumpy wife!
As waiting to turn right behind another car on a mini roundabout this moron just went decided he didn't need to follow traffic rules he just went around our two cars on the wrong side of the road ignoring the emergency ambulance approaching the junction also. He was just lucky the ambulance went a different road way.
VM12 KVMThis Swindon idiot will end up killing somebody!2016-01-25 21:24:34
This Grey Volkswagen Golf was being driven on Sunday afternoon on the A419 in Swindon towards the Blunsdon St. Andrew turn-off junction by a scruffy dark haired idiot that even had all his family in the vehicle!
This twat was driving at well over 70MPH on a busy A419 and I came off the slip road from Wyvale Garden Centre, Stratton St. Margaret and this lunatic comes right up behind me flashing his lights narrowly missing smashing into my back end at full speed and then as I was sticking to 70, he swerved over dangerously int the next lane and then without even a proper glimpse in the interior/side mirrors, he again swerved in front of me narrowly this time missing my bumper and then called me a wanker! This prat will end up eventually causing a MAJOR RTC or potentially killing somebody!! If you see this driver... Stay WELL CLEAR OF HIM!!
To the beardy hipster in the black VW Polo, VA12 SUV. I understand that you one day aspire to be an Audi driver, but for the moment at least, and for the sake of everyone else on the road, how about you stop being such an impatient fucktard?