I was turning right at a mini roundabout and had to slam my brakes on because this arse clown refused to stop. He wasn't English and probably didn't have a licence.
Tailgating a car with a baby on board, hand gestures, and to top it off, left lane entering a roundabout and went RIGHT cutting everyone up & just sped off. Absolute plumb!
Dominique the drive of the VW Polo registration VA02TLZ has no consideration for other motorists by driving at speed and hitting other cars wing mirrors. Then once having hit the car and pulled over and provided details, when contacted via those details only to find out that false details where given. Thanks for nothing!!
Joins the A1 by driving the wrong way down an exit road. He then swings out onto the A1 as fast traffic approaches in both lanes, causing vehicles to brake hard, before slowly accelerating. On leaving the A1 at the next exit it appears he is texting on his mobile phone - phone seen in right hand as I passed him!
Seen this car in cats car park. Mad skills bruv