You would be no good as a witness if this ever went to court. You admit that you "brake checked" him putting both parties in danger yet he was the one that scared your daughter. Hmm, I think this is a case where we have only one side of the story.
What an absolute knobhead he is cant drive for shit shows of to girls reving his diesel engine overtaking cars i am jelous tho cos he left me i did love him
This guy drove so fast behind me to the point I either felt I had to get off the road or speed! He slammed the horn at me... CUT ME OF AND THREW A BLOODY DRINK AT MY WINDSHIELD... serious road rage. Why is he allowed to drive? Something needs to be done, looking at all the negative reviews this guy has is crazy and action need to be taken before he kills someone, but damn he so hot can't stop thinking about him, take me out in that Astra anyday
Audi driver is a complete asshole, hopefully in the future when the retard drives he will crash into a barrier or nice concrete wall and die making it one less asshole driving on the road, In fact I hope every retard that drives like a twat crashes and dies then driving on the road will be a safer place. so to all you boy racer,gangsta,f1,rally wannabe's and retards who were lucky to get a driving licence by fluke passing the driving test go out on the road and crash die and go to hell because I don't give a damn about you :-)
oh my fucking god I am scrared to travel around the local area with this liability on the public roads it's disgraceful he should be taken off the roads by the police it's only fair he was on his phone tanking towards and old lady ,then continued on Manchester road with her on the bonnet
This little prick thought it would be a good idea to cut me up in Huddersfield town centre when I had 3 kids in the car, didn't even acknowledge I was there and sat revving his car at traffic lights sad twat
it has been brought to our attention that the owner of this vehicle has the worst rate my driver ® in Huddersfield and has become quite a sensation within our team ,taking this into account the last thing we want to see is a dangerous driver on our roads so we would like to offer a free driving course including skid training and track handling course to the the driver on us all he needs to do is contact us
we look forward to seeing you "vn14 Cwp"
holy fuck wank seen this wank stain asking if these are now semi slicks at a tyre place in hudds look at the state of them needs banning off the roads