VN69 UUT 2021-03-15 06:19:12

Looks like it's been recovered.

Footnote: All imagery is from public source :)

Hopefully this will send a message out to the rats going around mugging and stealing decent people's property.. want your 5 minutes of fame? You got it!
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VN16 VNA 2021-03-19 00:22:43

Fantastic looking car, Wonder person driving :)
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VA14 ELY 2021-03-11 16:41:06

This either proves that people who can afford to own BMWs don't have the driving ability to match, or that they think simply owning a BMW means they can do what the hell they like. Look how neatly the line marking the edge of the parking bay runs neatly down the centre line of the Beemer.
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VO20 HDG 2021-03-10 09:32:42

Lola's cupcakes . Probably worth remembering,While driving (a406) It's not great to watch Tele on your phone ,While covering the dials and distracting you from the lane your supposed to be in.
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VO13 MHY 2021-03-17 17:51:37

Overtaking on a bend, Speeding past multiple cars just to overtake me and 3 cars and an Artic. Almost causing multiple accidents
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VN62 NNY 2021-03-16 11:35:07

This lady wants to slow down driving down a quiet street at at least 40 with a child in the car absolutely ridiculous
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VU07 FBO 2021-03-08 07:52:04

Driving dangerously over the speed limit and then inches from my back bumper expecting me to move out of his way. When he overtook at excessive speed I blasted my horn he then proceeded to stop the car and hurl abuse at me before speeding of again.
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VK16 FHG 2021-03-07 20:22:42

Typical BMW Wank3r at 6:38!

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V333 JJJ 2021-03-05 15:00:31

Fantastic parking at Tesco’s today.
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V4 DXX 2021-03-11 14:46:34

If you want a good kebab make sure this guys around he sells the worlds best kebabs from his boot! Ask for the special garlic sauce but salty but tastes Devine
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