As first I thought the cheeky bastard was merely jumping the queue but no, he went one better.
The Zafira drives on the wrong side of the road and jumps the lights. He was lucky they weren't any cars travelling at speed crossing the junction from right to left.
Driver heading through Adderbury into Banbury, overtaking at over 70mph on 50mph road. Causing a lorry a near miss in the opposite direction. Then overtaking 8 different cars in a 30mph speed limit pass a school and zebra crossings. No regard for traffic coming in the other direction. Nearly caused several collisions. VERY dangerous driver.
This arrogant BMW driver attempted the old "stamp on the brake" insurance scam on me, and when it didn't work he seemed to start looking for a fight. This guy is clearly too hot headed to be on the road, he is a liability to himself and others. Be aware of this pathetic excuse of a human being! Clearly can't handle his life.
This guy just loves to race with everyone and anyone get him off the road