Absolute nutter undertaking and weaving at 100mph on the m5. Missed us by inches and nearly went into the back of the car infront. Shouldn’t be on the road.
Honda vile. Person decided to cut in last minute at Glossop traffic lights as couldn’t be patient enough to wait. Extremely dangerous and uneducated driver. Hope he/she is an organ donor because that’s all they will be good enough for. Cunt
This cars owner has decided my elderly mothers house is its new home. Stopping her in the bad weather from leaving her home. She has a disabled badge and I can access almost anywhere in the UK, apart from her house. 3 cars between 2 residents. Selfish, inconsiderate and manoeuvre their cars so they always can park. On the odd occasions I can get my car near her home, just park on someone else's patch leaving them like me, to park down the street.
This fool thinks he’s a police car. He has blue lights mounted on the van and drives like a maniac. Twice in the last week I’ve had encounters with this idiot.
In the deep snow, he came flying down an impassable road and completely sprayed me with snow. He then went to the next corner and overtook a slow moving vehicle on a blind bend with bad snow and ice on the road.
The second encounter was in the evening on a frozen night with icy roads. He came close to the back of me and overtook on a bend, he then approached the car in front and followed him. The car turned into a housing estate and he also turned in and overtook the vehicle which was still moving into the housing estate.
The blue lights on the front of his vehicle make him look like and people think of him as a police vehicle. He needs to learn the rules of the road.
Stupid twat. Cut across three lanes going about 50MPH when traffic was slow moving, then undertook another car not long after. Sunderland highway. The sort of person who deserves to crash and only cause injury to themselves.
Hello to whoever has my old car ;-)