VK16 PTO 2018-12-03 12:13:45

Inconsiderate „Helicopter Parent“ that believes they can park inconsiderately and inconvenience everybody else just to get their precious little one(s) to school.

The school offers free parking in the local car park but these type of parents must park as close as possible and cannot walk.

North Harrow either Melrose, Cambridge and Kingsley Roads
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VK09 TOH 2018-11-28 22:34:13

Another dickhead speeding around Cantley, Newington Close, almost hit our car, If we catch him doing it again, we are going to the police and putting his full address on here. you have been warned.
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VK56 KHJ 2018-11-28 15:37:07

Fantastic driver
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VK53 YMJ 2018-11-22 01:12:24

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VK55 ZRJ 2018-11-18 19:04:55

Old farts, ignorant bastards, fat lazy pigs and a whole lot more caught on my dash cam! Again same morrisons same car park only this time this female Audi driver decided to ignore the road sign and just drive down the one way system, Problem is this she is a regular shopper there and lives locally so she knows the layout of the car park quite well, Oh well she is now on Youtube

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VK17 UVA 2018-11-25 11:42:26

Parks like a retard.
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VK06 BKV 2018-11-17 22:53:06

Good awareness and collision avoidance! @4m13s
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VK18 CXS 2018-11-12 10:12:29

If you're gonna join the motorway and sweep across lanes without looking, then act the hard big man when someone calls you out for it instead of admitting your error, one day you're gonna get your fingers burnt.. all on camera pal.
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VK62 RUR 2018-10-31 10:36:56

Rude, ignorant ... pushed in dangerously into traffic. Nearly hit pedestrian on zebra crossing and jumped a red light
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VK67 RVO 2018-10-24 21:45:48

racing with a blue van a693 Co Durham dangerous fool
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