VK68 YTT 2021-05-25 18:33:56

No jealousy when I’ve got a mint condition Austin allegro in the garage. The 116i never really done it for me.
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VK66 XXZ 2021-01-26 13:25:12

Why are you mixing when it's supposed to be a lockdown?
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VK66 XXZ 2021-01-25 22:41:56

you could always put her in a wheelbarrow to retrieve her? That could fit through that gap quite easily.
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VK15 UKX 2021-01-15 22:19:09

he needs to get a job. audis are always financed.
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VK15 UKX 2021-01-14 20:30:14

Why do kids these days wear their socks half way up their legs? When I was young that was a sure sign of a virgin.
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VK15 UKX 2021-01-14 18:25:59

knuckle dragging Neanderthal. What does he want? See if the cyclist has go go gadget wheels to ride over parked cars? fucking hell
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VK67 ZSF 2020-12-17 15:47:01

Happens all to often. Just lazy driving, thats been developed over many years of bad driving. If he had done the turn properly then there would have been no problem. You was lucky.
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VK67 ZSF 2020-12-17 15:18:33

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VK19 TZU 2020-11-26 19:35:25

Perhaps he was taking a photo of the car in front having a child not properly restrained as legally required?
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VK10 ELO 2020-05-23 22:11:27

Caught on CCTV picking up a "working girl" on Swan Lane, Coventry. White male, mid forties, blue Audi. Thu 7th of May, 21.56pm. We're tired of the likes of you around here.
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