Guy (looks in his 50s and bald) was swerving all over the road, tailgating me for over a mile, head out the window and appeared to be sending verbal abuse my way because I was going 57 in a national speed limit of 60?
Dangerously overtook twice, forcing me to pull over and proceeded to speed through a 30mph zone.
Avoid and stay away from! Dash cam unfortunately didn’t get much as a lot of this was in my rear view mirror behind me where no camera faces.
This reg should have a “s” on the end of it, to sum up the driver. She pulls out in front of you nearly causing a pile up and then does an interesting array of sign language which is not BSL - mainly involving a middle finger at other drivers. Needs to sort out driving skills and terrible attitude.
Saw this sitting in lane 2 on the 2 lane section of a46 (between Newark and Leicester) when not overtaking and they didn't seem to notice me as I approached. When I flashed my headlights to make them aware I was there and actually wanting to overtake they braked hard down to 30.
They had their kid in the van so they're really setting a good example.
poor parking